
Bu yil yangi energiya avtomobil bozorida "Qorong'i ot" sifatida, bu yil global ishtirok etishda, bu maqsadli ichki raqobatbardosh ichki bozorda ham yuqori tan olindi. 15 sentyabr kuni "Yashil · Etakchi" standartlashtirish konferentsiyasida juma kuni "etakchi" ish qo'mitasi tomonidan "etakchi" serjahon stansiyasini muvaffaqiyatli yutgan. Uning qudratli mahsulot texnologiyasi prokuration kafedralari tomonidan "DongGeng" uchun yangi energiya va yuqori sifatli va yuqori sifatli rivojlanish yo'lidagi keng energiya va sodiqligini to'liq tasdiqlovchi ta'sir ko'rsatadi.


Power batteries are both a leading edge and a focus of competition in the field of domestic new energy vehicles. Equipped with the Armored Battery, Friday can achieve a maximum battery pack capacity of 85.9kWh, energy density exceeding 175Wh/kg, and a maximum range of 630km under CLTC conditions, making it suitable for both long-distance intercity travel and daily commutes. Furthermore, supported by the “Four-dimensional Ultra-high Protection Shield” technology, the Armored Battery is comprehensively protected from the core layer to the module layer, the entire packet layer, and the vehicle chassis, possessing characteristics such as high temperature resistance, compression resistance, and water resistance. Juma kuni o'z-o'zidan qat'iy standartlarni belgilaydi va xalqaro xavfsizlik va foydalanuvchilar bilan bog'liq muammolar bo'yicha murosaga kelishni rad etadi.

Intelligent driving system is a “trump card” for many domestic new energy vehicle brands, and Friday excels in this aspect. It is equipped with the Fx-Drive Navigation Smart Driving System, which offers 12 L2+ level driver assistance functions, such as adaptive cruise control, lane keeping + lane departure warning, active braking, blind spot monitoring, and lane change assistance. 360 darajadagi panoramik ko'rinishga o'xshash xususiyatlar bilan birlashtirilgan, u transport vositasidan chiqish uchun haydashdan xavfsiz himoya himoyasini ta'minlaydi.

5 - juma 智能驾驶


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O'tish vaqti: s 1. 26-2023