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product planning, 81 lines B1 of Liuzhou Liuxin Auto Stamping CO.,LTD passenger car welding line need to be demolished and rebuilt, and a simple B1 welding line should be built simultaneously to meet the production needs of sales demand. Vaqt yaqinlashmoqda. Therefore, Liuxin Company is faced with an “impossible” challenge: it needs to dismantle the original B1 flexible line equipment and rebuild B1 simple line with the dismantled equipment within 45 days, and it needs to complete 2,200 sets of simple lines in the next 15 days at a low tempo!

Dongfeng hamma narsa

For the construction and production of simple line, the period is short and urgent, the construction is complicated, the synchronous debugging, the product testing, the shortage of staff, the day shift and the night shift, and the rapid resumption of production … Faced with this year's No.1 project in front of Liuxin Company, under the circumstance that there is no dedicated production line staff, and under the atmosphere of employees' doubts that this is an impossible task, the Party branch gives full play to Xodimlarning mafkuraviy safarbarlikining afzalliklari va kompaniya rahbarlarini "har bir buyurtmaga intilish" va "buni tezda bajaring".


Thish T5 Evo


Oddiy liniya maxsus ishlab chiqarish xodimlari bilan jihozlanmagan. In order to complete the output of 2,200 units in 15 days at a low tempo, four shifts are allocated from each production line of commercial vehicles and passenger cars. After the production of this line is completed, they will rush to Simple Line in turn for 24-hour production, so as to ensure the completion of the output! 4 smenada doimiy ishlaydi, bu xodimlar tungi smenalarda ishlashlari kerak. After each shift completes its inherent production tasks, each shift has to support simple line production, and the working hours are less than 10 o'clock every day. Four lines, four teams and groups, to fully realize the joint and coordination, to solve the production scheduling problem and employees' ideological problems, the production plan of each line should be arranged very compactly and reasonably, and employees' ideological mobilization and guidance should be done in the car.

Ev mashinasi

Elektr avtomobillari


SUV avtomobillari

Email:dflqali@dflzm.com lixuan@dflzm.com admin@dflzm-forthing.com

Manzil: 286, Pinghan Avenyu, Liuzou, Guangxi, Xitoy

Post vaqti: 1-dekabr - 01-2022